Our employment practice includes litigation on behalf of plaintiffs and defendants as well as internal investigations, advice, and contract negotiations. Because we represent both employees and employers, we may anticipate issues and hurdles that other lawyers may overlook, and we can use these perspectives to our clients’ advantage.

Among the cases handled by our lawyers*:

  • Negotiated six-figure settlement on behalf of an Arab-American factory worker who endured hostile work environment before being wrongfully terminated by his employer.

  • Won summary judgment on behalf of progressive private school accused of racial discrimination by a disgruntled teacher.*

  • Advised Michelin-starred restaurant on complying with wage and hour laws.

  • Regularly advise local small businesses on employment issues.

  • Regularly negotiate employment contracts on behalf of nonprofit organizations, corporations, and executive employees.

  • Argued and won complete victory in front of U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, reinstating federal discrimination claims by three police officers who were retaliated against after complaining about discrimination against African-American colleagues.*

*Some listed matters handled while the firm was in a general partnership called Clinton Brook & Peed

**Matters handled by partners before joining the firm